D. Differentiate between the following : Container and Empty Tags.
Tags that have both starting as well as ending are known ascontainer tags.
For example:<HTML> ……………………</HTML>
Tags that have only a starting, and there is no need to close them
(using ) are known asempty tags. For example:<BR>
E. Answer in 1-2 sentences:
1.What are semantic tags?
Semantic tags enable us to describe the different parts of our webpage. Example of Semantic tags are: Doctype, Header, Footer,Navigation, Section, etc.
2.What do you mean by DOCTYPE?
DOCTYPE tag at the beginning of a page specifies that the documentis written in HTML5.
4.In how many ways can we define style sheet in HTML document?
Style Sheet can be defined in the following there ways: Inline style,Internal style and External Style.
F. Answer briefly.
1.What are the main features of HTML?
The main features of HTML5 are given below:
a. HTML5 is not a case sensitive language.
b. HTML5 document is saved with .htm or .html file extension.
c. HTML5 document is written in any text editor and wordprocessor.
2.What do you understand by text editors?
A text editor, such as Notepad, is a program that allows a user toenter, change, save and print text. Text editors do not have manyadvanced features, but they do allow us to develop HTMLdocuments easily. Microsoft Windows comes with Notepad, AppleMac computers come with TextEdit, and Ubuntu comes with Gedit.
3.What is the use of meta tag?
We can add metadata to our page to include extra descriptiveinformation that does not appear in the browser window. Metadatacan include a page description, author and copyright information,keywords, and more. What we insert in metadata tags (<META>) canhelp search engines categorize our page.
G.Application-based Question
Rishabh created a web page in Notepad but he saved it with .txt file extension. His file is not getting identifed as an HTML file. What should he do now to make it an HTML file?
Rishabh should save the file with .html file extension to open the HTML file in the web browser.