Define the following.
- Cell Spanning:Spanning cells, also called merging cells, are mainly used to display a title across the top or down side of a table.
2. Cell Spacing:The web browser displays the designated amount of border size or space between the cells called cell spacing.
3. Absolute Link:It is a hyperlink containing a full URL which includes the entire information needed to find a particular site.
Differentiate between the following.
Bulleted listor unordered list tags are used to show the items which are not in a particular order.r.r. We can also place circle, disc, or square
instead of bullets.
Numbered listor ordered list tags are used on a web page for displaying items in a specific order, such as a set of instructions or a
table of contents. We can also place A, B, C…etc. or i, ii, iii…etc.
instead of 1,2,3…etc.
Internal linksare the links to the pages within our own website.These links can be either absolute or relative.
External linksare links outside our own website. These links must always be absolute.
Answer in 1 -2 sentences.
- We add images to the web pages because a concept that is difficultto explain in the form of text can be explained with the help of apicture or an image easily and quickly.
- SRC stands for ‘source’. It is the source of image file. It specifies theURL of the image.
- Links enable users to navigate from one topic to the other on awebsite and from one website to another. The user clicks the link,and the browser opens the destination page.
- We can create a table to clearly display information on a web page ina tabular format. For example, if we like to display the price list orsales order of an item, the best possible solution is to display it usinga table.
- Answer briefly.
- We can create a link to an image so that we can click on that imageto display the link. This is helpful in case we wish to display a largenumber of images on our page. So, in that case, we can display thesame images in small size on a page and create hyperlinks to theirlarger sizes. Its syntax is: </A7
- The various attributes associated with Table tag are: SUMMARY,BORDER, BORDER-COLOR, BGCOLOR, ALIGN, WIDTH.
- We can combine two or more cells in a row or column to make onelarge cell. Spanning cells is mainly used to display a title across thetop or down side of a table.