Chapter 1 : Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  1. What is meant by Intelligence? What are the various types of intelligence?

Ans. 1. Intelligence refers to our ability to think and learn from experience, recognize problems and try to solve them in an efficient way. It also includes skills like reasoning, logic, planning, etc. The different types of intelligence include:
(a) Reasoning and logic: Ability to identify and solve unexpected problems using appropriate logic and reasoning.
(b) Adaptive learning: Ability to deal with highly dynamic and changing scenarios.
(c) Logical reasoning: Ability to understand mathematical logics, theories, formulae and expressions.
(d) Linguistic Intelligence: Ability to understand language skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking.
(e) Spatial Visual Intelligence: Ability to perceive the visual world and the relationship between different objects.
(f) Kinaesthetic Intelligence: Ability to process information physically through movement of body.
(g) Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self-awareness and knowing about one’s own self-skills, abilities, weaknesses, etc.
(h) Existential Intelligence: Awareness of spiritual and ontology-related areas.
(i) Naturalist Intelligence: Ability to process information around the environment and nature.

2. Can Machines ever surpass human intelligence? Give your thoughts in support of your argument.

Ans. 2. Today, we are surrounded by technology that has changed the way we live and work due to the continuous advancement
in the field of Artificial Intelligence. AI enables machines to think and learn on their own. It is a simulation of human
intelligence in machines to take autonomous decisions for which we normally rely on humans. The various advantages
of AI are:

(a) AI significantly improves accuracy with fewer errors that help in faster and accurate decision-making.
(b) AI works with greater responsibility in areas where humans cannot because of the various risks involved,
such as deep mining, diffusing a bomb, going into space, exploring deepest parts of the ocean, etc.
(c) Using AI, digital assistants and chatbots interact with people intelligently.
(d) AI has helped in new inventions in almost every domain besides health care, where AI helped doctors predict
early stages of cancer.
However, AI may not be able to surpass human capabilities in near term as programming emotions in machines is
much more complicated than implementing algorithmic intelligence. However, humans and machines can
collaborate with each other and supplement each other.

3. Is AI a recent technology ? If not, explain why it gained prominence only recently.

Ans. 3. No, AI is not a recent technology. The term AI was coined in the 1950s. It has recently gained prominence for the following
(a) Internet and data connectivity: Internet and data plans have become cheaper and available to everyone.
(b) Powerful computational devices: A number of devices are now available with increased computational power
which enables heavy AI algorithms to work.
(c) Usage: A lot of social media websites are available today where users post a lot of data in the form of comments,
videos, photos, etc., which can be used as training data.

4. How do you feel AI is already impacting your day to day life? Give examples.

Ans. 4. Examples of AI in daily life include:
(a) Digital assistants: Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana are digital assistants that
help users perform various tasks, from checking their schedules and web browsing, to sending commands to
another app.
(b) Self-driving cars: Self-driving and auto-parking features in cars can recognize the physical space around a vehicle
using AI.

(c) Chatbots: Chatbots recognize words and phrases to deliver helpful content to customers who have common
(d) Social media: AI makes it easier for users to locate and communicate with friends over social media sites.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Brateen deb

    Thanks for this sir

    brateen deb
    class X B

  2. Brateen deb

    Thanks for this sir , its very helpful ……..

    brateen deb
    class X B

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