D. Differentiate between the following : (i) Spam and Phishing (ii) Hacker and Cracker
Email spam, also known as junk mail, involves sending unwanted messages by a spammer to a large number of recipients. Phishing is a scam in which we receive an official or legitimate-looking email message that attempts to obtain our personal and/or financial information.
Hacker refers to someone who accesses a computer or network illegally. This can happen either for positive or negative reasons.
A cracker is someone who also accesses a computer or network illegally, but has the intent of destroying data, stealing information,or carry out other malicious action.
E. Answer in 1-2 sentence
1. What is Cyberbullying?
Ans. Cyberbullying is harassment that takes place using technology which includes sending or forwarding threatening text messages, posting embarrassing or altered pictures of someone without his or her permission.
2. What is Social Engineering?
Ans. Social engineering is a term used for gaining unauthorized access or obtaining confidential information by taking advantage of the trusting human nature of some victims.
F.Answer briefly.
1.How can we protect our computer from hacking?
Ans.We should make a strong password and change it frequently. Our password should be at least six characters long and include at least one number, letter (combination of upper and lower cases) and special character (@, *, &, !, etc.). Our latest password should be different from any other passwords that we have used. It is strongly advised that we use different passwords for all different accounts.
2.Why should we not save password of our account in a particular website?
Ans.We should not save password of an account in a particular website because, in future, anyone else who uses our computer might alsobe able to access our account from the site without our permission.
3.Write any two roles of parents and teachers in protecting the children in the virtual world.
Ans.Two roles of Parents and teachers in protecting the children in thevirtual world are:
Parents should advise children to play only those online games which are suitable for their age.
Parents should advise children not to share any personal information to any unknown person.
G.Application-based Question
Your teacher wants you to read this case and tell the answer :
“A man calls in the company’s help desk and says that he has forgotten his password. He further adds that if he misssed to send an urgent mail by the evening, his boss might fire him. The helpdesk worker trusts him and quickly reveals/resets the password.”
Under which potential threat cant this come?
Ans. This potential threat can come under social engineering.