MS-Access : It is a relational Database
management Software (RDBMS). It is used to organize data very efficiently.
We can create tables, reports, query and forms.
For eg. A school database
student details
staff details
library (book details, issue , return)
Expenses details
Student Fee Details
Staff Salary Details
Practical :
Starting MS-Access
Win Key + R
Type msaccess
Press Enter
New Blank Database
Give database name – “Khushi School of computers”
Create-> Table Design
Field Name (Column Name) Data type
AdmissionNo(PK key) Autonumber
StudentName Short Text
FatherName Short Text
Course Lookup Wizard
DOJ Date/time
Admission Fee Currency
Ctrl+W (Saving a table)
*Entering data into tables.
Double click on the table name (Left Pane)
Then start entering data.
Press (Ctrl + W) for saving
Adding and Removing Columns on the table.
Right click on Table name – Select design view option
Add new field and data type (Press Ctrl + W)
Open the table
Right click on the column that you want to delete and select delete rows
Report :
It is an appealing way or presentable of our data.
Create -> Report Wizard
Follow step by step given in the wizArd.
Save the report (Ctrl + W)
Double click on the report.
- Designing the report
Right click on the report and select design option
then format the report (Change the color, size, and font,etc)